Racing WA

Lightning Lap to electrify WA harness racing

20 October 2023

The popular trend towards sprint racing is spreading to West Australian harness racing with the introduction of the Lightning Lap.

Racing WA Head of Harness Racing and Special Projects Cameron Brown said the concept was being launched at the Pinjarra Paceway meeting on November 6, with four 1177m events.

“Lightning Lap harness racing is all in the name – it’s fast paced and all about quick racing, fun and excitement,” Cameron said.

“We’ve seen the success of sprint races over 1200m on the east coast and events run over shorter courses have revolutionised chasing and the gallops.

“Now we hope to see the Lightning Lap inject a charge of energy into harness racing and attract new fans.”

Lightning Lap races will be limited to eight starters, all on the front line, plus two emergencies.

The one-lap races will be held fortnightly at Pinjarra and are expected to extend to race meetings across the state.

“Short course races have been a hit interstate, such as FastTrack 1200 in Victoria, which has sparked greater appreciation of harness racing, stimulated wagering at mid-week events and boosted the sport’s fan base,” Cameron said.

“Sprint racing is an innovation we are keen to embrace for its potential to galvanise interest and attract a new stream of racegoers to the trots in WA.”

Susan de Ruyter