Our digital platform
Racing WA is the new home for WA racing information, data, industry essentials, animal welfare and much more.
Our digital ecosystem has recently gone through a comprehensive re-structure. You will find that websites and pages that you were once familiar with have been merged on to two consolidate websites:
- racingwa.com.au which hosts the majority of our digital content including the pre-existing Thoroughbred Racing Data
- rwwa.com.au which hosts corporate information, annual reports, governance etc
In addition we have an assortment of new functionality and features, some of which are listed below. We hope you enjoy the experience.

Harness race enhancements
Profile pages for horses, drivers and trainers
We have added profile pages for horses, drivers and trainers, which you can now view on the race pages.
These have also been integrated into the Racing Data Search on the top of the racing data pages. Use the code filter to pick Harness and then enter the name you would like to search for.

Greyhound race programming, results, replays and more can be found in the greyhound racing section.

Industry information
Industry information has been combined to have all your essentials together including forms and payments.

Animal welfare
Animals are at the heart of everything at Racing WA, find out more about our commitment to their welfare.