Equine care initiatives

Retired racehorses are versatile and highly intelligent animals, able to impressively adapt to retraining and alternate lifestyles.
Off the Track WA is our main program to support horses after they leave the care of the racing community. We have a range of initiatives to help racehorses make the transition to life as companion, leisure or competition horses.
Responsible rehoming
The Rules of Racing in WA require owners and trainers to make a demonstrated effort to responsibly rehome horses. There is strict criteria for what constitutes a demonstrated effort and among them is the requirement for owners and trainers to undertake at least two of the following options:
- Advertising the horse in no less than two recognised media platforms for at least six weeks.
- Applying to re-home the horse through a credible animal adoption or re-homing agency.
- Consigning the horse to a public auction.
- Consigning the horse to an industry auction.
Racing WA Research Fund
The Racing WA Research Fund supports projects that enhance the health, welfare and safety of racehorses as well as those that assist horses to move on to lives of ongoing purpose and good health after racing.
Through this fund, Racing WA supports scientific advances leading to better lives for people and horses. Welfare standards are constantly being enhanced and good research provides the foundation for effective and measurable advances in animal care.
In its first funding round, three projects secured funding which cover injury prevention, racehorse nutrition, and racing performance’s impact on post-racing careers.
Applications are currently closed. For more information contact - animalwelfare@rwwa.com.au
Off the Track WA Estate
Advanced Imaging Rebate
Off the Track WA
Visit OTTWA website
OTTWA Retraining Program
OTTWA Passport
The Off the Track WA Passport is available to all thoroughbreds and standardbreds bred for the purpose of racing. The Passport helps us to understand the lives and locations of these horses as well as provides an opportunity to connect with their owners and caretakers.
This connection enables us to provide advice and support including access to educational clinics, discounts and offers from a range of local and national equine businesses.
OTTWA sponsorship & clinics
Off the Track WA supports and encourages the participation of retired racehorses in pleasure and competitive pursuits through several sponsorship and educational initiatives. OTTWA sponsors awards and classes exclusive to retired racehorses at equestrian competitions around WA. OTTWA also sponsors off the track combinations who travel to compete interstate, highlighting a retired racehorse’s ability to compete at top level.
To further educational opportunities for regionally based off the track horses OTTWA sponsors clinics held by clubs 121km or more from the Perth CBD. Closer to the metro area, in collaboration with Equestrian Western Australia (EWA) OTTWA funds numerous educational clinics which are well attended by the community. OTTWA also sponsors several community organizations who support the participation of retired racehorses including EWA, Pony Club WA, Claremont Therapeutic Riding Centre and the Standardbred Pleasure and Performance Horse Association of WA.
OTTWA community fund
The Off the Track WA Community Fund aims to nurture innovation and wider opportunities for retired racehorses.
Off the Track WA is well known for sponsorships and support programs to assist horses making the transition from racing into a range of activities such as dressage, jumping, event or adult riders.
The Off the Track WA Community Fund builds on the range of resources by targeting new ideas for engaging the various talents and abilities of former racehorses.
The Fund also provides support for not-for-profit organisations providing a lifelong safety net to retired horses that may require care later in life.