Day to day greyhound care
24/7 care
Like any animal, greyhounds need to be cared for seven days a week, all year round. There are no days off – even during the holiday period.
High quality feed & nutrition
Greyhounds are provided with high quality feed. They need a healthy, well-balanced diet. Dietary needs may differ between greyhounds, therefore meals are tailored to their individual needs.
Daily exercise
Generally, greyhounds will have their own tailored training regime to suit their fitness level and requirements. Once they finish their exercise they are checked over for any signs of soreness. Many trainers also monitor their heart rate and temperatures.
Clean kennels
Kennels are cleaned each day to ensure a comfortable living space for greyhounds.
General wellbeing
Many trainers provide their greyhounds with therapeutic treatments such as massages or massage mats. Greyhounds also often enjoy foot and hydrobaths. Those that live close to the ocean, sometimes take a trip down to the beach for a walk through the water.

Learn what welfare initiatives we have in place to care for canine athletes during their racing careers.
Life Outside of Racing
See how we support and assist greyhounds in their transition from athlete to pet.

We have rules and policies in place to ensure our industry is filled with only those who share in our commitment to welfare.