Racing WA

Claims and covers for clubs

Member and Affiliated Clubs

Racing WA has a dedicated Insurance Officer to deal with insurance queries and claims procedures. This page is designed to provide information on claims and cover.

Claims Information

Any incident should be reported to club officials and details recorded including names and contact details of witnesses and any other information that may be relevant should a claim be made against the club. All claims should be forwarded to the  Racing WA Insurance Officer.

Club Workers Compensation

Workers Compensation is required for employees of the club.

Policy details – all clubs who employ staff are required to take out a policy for workers compensation, even if the employee is paid a minimal wage.  A policy is required to be in place and a group certificate should be issued to the employee.

It is now a Racing WA requirement to provide a copy of the workers compensation policy upon renewal of registration.

Any queries on obtaining cover can be directed to the  Racing WA Insurance Officer.

Harness Club Public Liability

Public Liability Insurance indemnifies nominated clubs, training and trialing tracks against personal injury or property damage claims made against them by third parties resulting from an incident occurring in connection with their harness racing business activities.

Policy details – this insurance was taken over by Racing WA to help clubs with the increasing cost of premiums and to ensure each club had adequate coverage. The premium is paid up front by Racing WA and is recouped from clubs based on the category of the club and number of meetings.

This is a national liability scheme and was implemented by Harness Racing Australia (HRA) for the harness racing industry and its participants.

Details of the National Risk Protection Program can be found at the link below under National Insurance Schemes.

HRA website

Volunteer Workers Personal Accident

Personal Accident Insurance provides weekly injury and capital benefits to authorised volunteers of affiliated or member clubs of the harness industry, including mini trotting volunteers.

Policy details – this cover is paid by Racing WA and provides volunteer workers for death, disablement and weekly benefits cover in the event of an injury whilst on official club business, including direct travel to and from work authorised by the club.

For detailed information, please select from the following options for:

Member Clubs

For detailed information please contact  Racing WA's Insurance Officer.

Mini Trotting Clubs

Further information for Mini Trotting Clubs can be found at the link below under National Insurance Schemes.

HRA website

Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance provides cover for intrastate, interstate and overseas travel from time left home until return home, in regard to injury and personal effects.

Policy details – this cover is paid by Racing WA and provides cover for employees and authorised volunteers of clubs including accompanying spouses and dependent children, whilst on official club business. For detailed information please contact  Racing WA’s Insurance Officer.