Racing WA

Harness insurance

Racing WA (trading under Racing and Wagering Western Australia) acts as an agent in facilitating arrangements for certain types of insurance for member clubs, drivers and trainers.

Racing WA have a dedicated Insurance Officer to deal with insurance queries. This page is designed to provide information on cover available, claims information and contact details.

Policy Queries

For policy queries and assistance with club related claims information, please contact:

Name: Bruce Johnston, Compliance Manager


Phone: (08) 9445 5190

Location: 14 Hasler Road, Osborne Park WA 6017

Claims Assistance

For Drivers, Trainers and Stablehand personal accident queries and assistance with claims information, please contact:

Name: Bruce Johnston, Compliance Manager


Phone: (08) 9445 5190

Location: 14 Hasler Road, Osborne Park WA 6017

Drivers & Trainers


Any incident should be reported to club officials/stewards (for racetrack incidents) and details recorded including names and contact details of witnesses and any other information that may be relevant should a claim be made against/by the trainer/driver. All claims should be forwarded to the Racing WA Insurance Officer.


Harness Personal Accident Insurance

Harness Personal Accident Insurance is for injury to trainers and drivers whilst engaged in harness related activities. It provides cover for a broad range of specified items including:

  • Lump sum benefits for an injury resulting in death, disablement and loss/use of senses and/or body parts.
  • Loss of income as a result of injury.

Policy details – this compulsory cover is paid by Racing WA for Drivers and Trainer/Drivers via the starters subsidy distribution, and recovered from Trainers via the annual licence fee. The policy provides death, disablement and weekly benefits cover in the event of an injury whilst engaged in harness related activities.

Cover is also in place for mini trotting junior members.

This is a national group personal accident insurance policy and was implemented by Harness Racing Australia (HRA) for the harness racing industry and its registered licensees.

Details of the HRA group personal accident policy can be found at the link below under National Insurance Schemes.

HRA website

Harness Driver and Trainers Public Liability

Harness Drivers and Trainers Public Liability Insurance is to indemnify registered Drivers and/or Trainers against personal injury or property damage claims made against them by third parties resulting from an incident occurring in connection with their harness facing business activities.

Policy details – this compulsory cover is paid up front by Racing WA and recovered from Trainers via the annual licence fee, and from Drivers and Trainer/Drivers via the annual licence fee and drivers fee payments. This is a national liability scheme and was implemented by the HRA for the harness racing industry and its participants.

Details of the National Risk Protection Program can be found at the link below under National Insurance Schemes.

HRA website