Racing WA

Approved gear guidelines


National Equipment Register

One of the strengths of Australian thoroughbred horse racing is that owners, trainers, and riders can travel to other areas in the knowledge that the conditions of racing are the same as in their own states or territories. This is achieved by the establishment of national rules and practices.

One policy practice is that the Australian Chairmen of Stewards are constantly reaching agreement on a uniform approach to gear that is permitted under AR206.

This National Equipment Register contains text, supported by graphics and is designed to assist all industry participants, especially those who visit other parts of our country.

Of course, notice must be taken of the provisions of AR206(2), which states:

  • (2) Permission must be obtained from the Stewards prior to acceptance time for a race in order for a horse to race in any approved gear (including racing plates) listed in the National Equipment Register – Horses and Riders.