Racing assist program
Our people are our greatest assets. Your emotional, mental and general psychological wellbeing is vital to the success of the racing industry. Racing Assist is here to provide confidential support to you!
About Racing Assist
Racing Assist offers you access to a free, independent and confidential psychological support service anytime and anywhere. Racing Assist offers 24 hour phone support by calling 1300 307 912 (free call) and up to six free registered face to face counselling sessions run by trained professionals.
Racing Assist is available to licensed Racing Trainers, Harness Drivers, Stable Hands/Stable Forepersons, Track Work Riders, Greyhound Attendants, Farriers and Riders Agents.
The phone line is staffed 24/7 for emergency/urgent counselling services only. Otherwise the operator will work with you to make a time that suits for your free appointments. In the case of an emergency, please call 000.
PeopleSense are the provider of the psychological counselling services available through Racing Assist. They operate independently to Racing WA (RWWA) and all psychologists involved in the provision of counselling are registered with the Australian Health Practitioners’ Regulation Authority, and some are members of the Australian Psychological Society. This ensures that the highest standard of counselling services are available to you.
As a precautionary measure to protect people’s wellbeing and ensure adequate social distancing, the Racing Assist provider PeopleSense, has shifted a majority of their services to remote delivery via telephone/video call.
For more information, visit
Frequently Asked Questions
For other queries or if you would like to speak to someone from Racing WA in regards to this program (administrative purposes only) please call 9445 5333.