Become a thoroughbred owner
Owning a Thoroughbred

Unlock a lifetime of elevated experience, exclusive access, bigger emotions and deeper bonds.
Watching your horse step onto the track on race day is an experience like no other. The blend of anticipation and exhilaration creates a potent mix, leaving you with butterflies in your stomach and your fingers tightly crossed.
As the starting gates crash open and the field leaps forward, the excitement intensifies. By the time your horse approaches the home turn and enters the straight, your heart will be pounding in sync with the thunderous hooves racing towards the finish line.
Thoroughbred racing offers participants an unparalleled level of excitement and emotion. It has the power to bring grown men to tears and captivate an entire nation.
No other sport allows for such active participation or brings you as close to the action. From selecting your horse and watching it grow and develop through training, to giving it a final pat before the jockey mounts and cheering it on with every ounce of your being as it nears the winning post, the bond you develop with your horse is truly special.
The sport also boasts a rich history and a cast of fascinating characters. The allure of the thoroughbred has captivated Kings and Queens, Prime Ministers, and Arabian Sheikhs. Yet, the appeal of this noble creature transcends social status, as the racehorse belongs to everyone, and anyone can become involved in the racing industry.
Everyday Australians, from schoolteachers and nurses to tradies and chefs, are entering the world of horse racing to experience the thrill of the occasion, the excitement of the competition, and the roar of the grandstand, all in the hope of discovering the next champion.
Interested in part-owning a racehorse? We’ve got you covered. Keep reading to find all the information you need to get started.
Ownership Testimonials

About thoroughbred ownership
Everyday Australians are joining the fun and excitement of racehorse ownership. In this section learn how to go about finding a syndicate or securing your horse. We will also give you a rundown on how to find the right team for you.

What it costs to own a thoroughbred

Thoroughbred owner perks
From the Winners' Circle to meeting your horse at the stables. Check out the perks of part-owning a racehorse.